Engage in fun, fantasy and faith to transform the world for the better.


A world in which joy and optimism combine with imagination and hope to to create secure, compassionate, stimulating and adventurous people and communities.

Play. Make. Believe. Play make believe!

It almost goes without saying that imaginative make-believe play is good for children, helping them develop a sense of empathy, adventure, awareness, cooperation, and more. But somewhere along the line, many of us have forgotten that all work and no play make Jack and Jill dull. Of course, our society values competition. But, hang around a little league field long enough and it doesn’t take long to realize that the so-called game can become serious business for some folks.

Too often, for adults, non-competitive play is perceived as unproductive, petty or immature. Besides, who can afford to make time for make believe?

The real question is, who can afford not to?

For various reasons, playing make believe is far from a trivial waste of time. Moving forward, I hope to provide stories that illustrate just how important it is to play make believe at any age. In the meantime, my intention is to help people actually engage in playing and making and believing. I hope you will join me!